Kindergarten is a huge milestone for parents, carers and children. It’s an exciting time when children begin to develop greater independence, confidence and a love of learning. We are looking forward to welcoming our Kindergarten 2024 students to Lindfield Public School.
Below is some information you will need to know to help your child be ready for the transition to Primary School.
What Makes Lindfield Public School Special?
Our vision is to ensure that we provide a safe, happy, caring and inclusive environment where all students are encouraged to strive to reach their potential.
By catering for the social, emotional and academic needs of all students, we ensure that our innovative programs support all children to foster a love of learning and become confident, creative and informed citizens.
Click on the video below to find out what makes LPS special.
Welcome to Kindergarten
We are looking forward to welcoming our new students to LPS. There are lots of subjects to learn and activities to do.
Please click on the video below to learn about ‘A Day in the Life of Kindergarten’.
In the Kindergarten Classroom
Learning in Kindergarten
In the classroom, your child will focus on six Key Learning Areas. These include; English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, History and Geography, Personal Development/Health and Physical Education and Creative Arts.
There is a strong focus on English and Mathematics in the Kindergarten classroom. Teachers work extremely hard to ensure these lessons are fun, engaging and appropriately challenging for your child.
Students are regularly placed into ability based Literacy and Numeracy groups in order for each child to work at their own level of literacy and mathematical knowledge and understanding.
Students in Kindergarten participate in a wide range of stimulating, hands on learning experiences that are designed to build their literacy knowledge and skills. They are given regular opportunities to respond and interact confidently in a range of activities in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
Children are exposed to a variety of quality texts through explicit whole class and small group instruction to learn how to read. They have regular opportunities to write about familiar topics and to reflect on learning experiences that they have at school. Reading and writing lessons are designed to support the diverse learning needs and styles of children.
Throughout the year, students will develop an understanding in Mathematics through inquiry and exploring concepts in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
Students will gain knowledge through modelled and guided instruction, followed by a range of independent activities and experiences to apply their mathematical understanding. They will learn to use their skills during hands on activities that challenge them to problem solve and think creatively.
Guided Reading Lessons
Image: Learning to read in the Kindergarten classroom.
Subjects at LPS
Students participate in weekly specialist lessons for:
Digital Technologies (ICT)
Music/Drama and
During ICT, children develop efficiency with iPads and investigate Digital Technologies using Bee-Bots and Spheros to learn skills such as critical and creative thinking, problem solving and valuable collaboration skills while working as a team.
In Sport lessons the emphasis is placed on fundamental movement skills which will develop gross motor and general sporting skills. Children enjoy Music and Drama where they develop their understanding of musical concepts and performance through singing, playing and moving. A weekly trip to borrow books from the Library is always a highlight for the children.
The transition to ‘big school’ is made a little easier and a lot more fun with a program called 'Playmates'. In 'Playmates', the Kindergarten students are split into different groups to play games with Year 5 and 6 leaders. This program helps the students to form strong friendships and to settle smoothly into the playground.
Exciting Events in Kindergarten
Kindergarten participate in numerous exciting events throughout the year, creating special memories with family and friends.
These include 100 Days of Kindergarten, Teddy Bear's Picnic and a visit to the farm!
Getting Ready for the Big Day
School Readiness
In order to help prepare your child for school, it is important to know what is expected in the classroom and on the playground.
How do I know if my child is ready for school?
Essential skills necessary for entering school include:
Playing cooperatively with other children
Sharing and taking turns
Taking care of their own belongings
Working independently
Listening and focusing during tasks
Following simple directions
Initiating and maintaining conversations
How to prepare your child
Play games-children learn many important skills through play such as turn taking and cooperating with others. An important lesson for young children is that they cannot always win when they are playing a game.
Read to them every night.
Read words in the environment-signs, cereal boxes etc.
Make up stories-begin with simple ones and let your child finish them.
Encourage any type of writing-birthday cards, shopping lists etc.
Count forwards and backwards.
Roll a dice and see what number comes up.
Practise writing numbers.
Run, climb, throw, catch and kick a ball to practise gross motor skills.
Write their name, draw, play with play dough and use scissors to practise fine motor skills.
Before school starts
All children respond and react differently to starting school. It is important to support and reassure your child that it will be a happy and positive experience. Be relaxed and confident that your child has the ability to cope with the transition. Talk with your child about school and what it will be like.
Read books about starting school.
Make sure their name is on everything.
Give your child small jobs and chores to do at home.
Let children practise packing their own bag as well as putting it on and taking it off.
Make sure your child knows how to open and close their own lunchbox and unwrap their own food.
Practise dressing themselves.
Ensure your child can toilet themselves independently.
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