Lindfield Public School

Excellence Innovation Opportunity Success

Telephone02 9416 1903


All students are encouraged to participate in as many events as possible, regardless of their ability. There is no pressure to perform other than to do their best and enjoy the day. Students will travel to the venue by bus. The anticipated starting time is 10:15am and all spectators/parents/carers are welcome.

Buses will leave school at 9:00 am and return around 3:00 pm. Students should be at school by 8:50 am.

The following information may be of some help:

Sports uniforms are to be worn, preferably with house colours, e.g. t-shirt, ribbons. House banners, streamers, mascots etc. are also encouraged. Hats and sunscreen are mandatory. Students should bring their own asthma puffers and epipens.

Joggers MUST be worn to and from the ground, no bare feet or spikes. Spikes are allowed for 100m, 200m, long jump (if in finals) only.

Students are to bring their lunch, morning tea and water. No lunch orders will be provided from the school canteen. Students may bring $5.00 to spend on snacks from the canteen at the venue, if time permits.

At the conclusion of the carnival, students may travel home with their parents/carers. If you are taking your child home, there will be a table to sign out your child. If you are taking someone else’s child home with you, a written permission note is required in advance and must be handed to the class teacher.

AGE GROUP – the age a child turns in this calendar year.