23 Sep 2019

2020 Kindergarten Enrolments
Enrolments for Kindergarten 2020 are now open. We ask that if your child is coming to Lindfield Public School in 2020 in Kindergarten that you please fill out an enrolment form at the front office before the end of Term 3, 27 September 2019. This will greatly help us with planning classes for 2020.
Parent Information and Kindergarten Orientation Visits
Thursday 7 November and Thursday 14 November 2019 from 9:30am to 11:00am
Children will visit Kindergarten classrooms and participate in various activities. A School Tour will be part of the Orientation Program. At the conclusion of the morning’s activities, children have morning tea on our Camphor Laurel playground (please supply a piece of fruit for your child).
While the children are visiting the Kindergarten classrooms, there will be information sessions for parents/carers in the School Hall. Please attend BOTH Orientation Days.
School Uniform for Kindergarten 2020
The Clothing Pool will be open for uniform fittings and sales on the following dates:
Friday 1 November: 8:30am - 11am in the Clothing Pool and 3CB classroom
Thursday 7 November: 11am - 1pm in the Clothing Pool and and 3CB classroom following the Orientation Visit
During this time you may try on and purchase uniforms and accessories. Children may wear their school uniform to the Orientation Visits on Thursday 7 and 14 November if they wish but this is not compulsory. The Clothing Pool has a list of all Kindy 2020 students and their house colours to enable you to purchase the appropriate sports shirt and hat.
We are looking forward to seeing our Kindy 2020 students and welcoming them into our classrooms.
Please contact our school office immediately if you haven’t received an email from us by 2 November regarding Orientation Visits.